Thursday, 30 July 2009
Thursday 30th July 2009 - Casserole
Wednesday 29th July 2009 - Happy Birthday mother!

So, it was actually Mum's birthday today so we went over to say happy burfday and give her her gift. I got her the best of Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band. She's a bit of a rocker on the sly is old mother Cooper. She was definitely a Stones fan rather than a Beatles fan. (Which incidentally I'm not. I'm Beatles all the way). We had a few glasses of vino and smoked a few of the finest woodbines, then went north to bed.
I'm keeping it short and sweet today, but very quickly I want to tell you about what happened overnight last night. I have a bit of a habit of talking in my sleep but not in a grumbly moany type way. It's very clear what I'm talking about, even if it's non-sensical, and the other weird thing is I always know what I've been talking about the next morning. I get kind of embarrassed because what I've said doesn't make any sense, and so I try and switch it into something else slightly more relevant! Last night, the other half got up in the middle of the night to go to the loo. I have to sleep with something between my legs (easy tiger) and so I always have a pillow down there. I decided to fluff my pillow and pulled it from between my knees, but I totally misjudged the swing and smashed a glass of juice I had on the bedside table to smithereens. It shit me right up! SMAAAAAAAASH! It seemed to say.
A few hours lat

I started to change my story to it being about the glass smashing, but I knew I was talking shit. The next day I remembered it all very clearly. But I'm asleep when I'm doing it! It's very odd. So if ever you want a really good, deep conversation with a sleeping man, just pop over around 2am.
Until then,
peace to you.
M xxxx
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Tuesday 28th July 2009 - The day Grace's wipers were on too fast

Well, I did the test and got 49 out of 50 (I'm furious) and passed happily. To celebrate we decided to go for McDonalds breakfast which is better than I remember. Why is everything that is bad for you so delicious... McDonalds, biscuit and raisin Yorkies, Radon... everything. Over breakfast, we decided that the next most sensible thing to do was to go bowling, and so we did. I won at that, which I was rather proud of, mostly due to the fact that I've been walking round all day like I shat myself! A horrible trainer at the gym called Will decided he was going to give me a taste of hell by forcing me to do lots of silly circuit training type things. Dick. He really hurt me. So trying to bowl was but a challenge.
The next task was slightly less involving, as we decided to Bingo ourselves. I went back to my old workplace, Gala Bingo in Blackburn. It was like stepping into a time warp. Everything was pretty much the same as it was 9 years ago! And, much like then, I didn't win any

By the way, the title of the blog relates to us sat in traffic witha light drizzle falling. Grace had her wipers on, but at a ridiculous pace which we both failed to nitice for about ten minutes. Maybe I shouldn;t have passed my theory after all! Theoretically!
Peace out kids,
Mart. xxx
Monday 27th July 2009 - Forgot to revise!

I have my theory test tomorrow. Again. I enjoyed passing it so much the first time around, I've decided I'm going to do it again! What a cock! And by that a mean the cock right there
I completely forgot to revise properly for it, so it's safe to say that I'm actually crudding myself about it. I mean, can you actually imagine if I failed my theory driving test! I'd be the laughing stock of the whole universe! I'd actually have to kill myself. To amuse you (as it did me), here's two sample theory test questions and one I made up! See if you can guess which is the false one!
Question 1:
You are driving down a main road and a long vehicle is pulling out a side road on the left ahead of you. What should you do?
- A) Slow down and give way
- B) Speed up and try to squeeze through the gap
- C) Sound your horn and flash your hazards
- D) Report the driver to the police
Question 2:
You are driving at night when the lights from the vehicle behind begin to dazzle you. What should you do?
- A) Set your mirror to anti-dazzle
- B) Try and speed away
- C) Flash your lights repeatedly
- D) Put your hands over your eyes
You are naked at night with a blow up doll in the passanger seat. You are wearing a captains hat and you have a paddle. The police flash you to pull over. Do you;
- A) Speed away, showing your exit hole through your wing-mirror
- B) Sell the doll and all drugs in the car to the officer
- C) Tell him you're late for a potato
- D) Pull over and pretend to be taking the doll to the hospital
M xxx
(btw - if you don't know who Ellen is, she did the voice of Dory in Nemo... as well as being a huge Hollywood name!)
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Sunday 26th July 2009 - It happened in Burnley
I've got a hangover now, and can't be arsed telling you about my day (I've not really done anything) so instead, here's the first part of my new novel I'm writing. It's really, really good!
It happened in Burnley
I was slowly making my way down the lane that leads to the crossroads when it happened. A sudden feeling of fear and dread ran up and down my spinal column. I just didn't expect to see him there. After all it had been three years since my ex boss Jonathan 'Page-a-Day' Epson was imprisonned for illegal smuggling of oysters from Madagascar. (Not the film you understand).
"Hello Polly", he said in a voice so low his underpants tightened. "Nice to see you", he murmered.
In a shakey breakey voice I replied, "to see you nice". He opened his lips and sharply inhaled, taking in a small piece of grit that was passing.
"It's been too long!", he said evily. I could see that in his right hand he had a key for what I assumed was a tractor. In the other hand he had the latest Take-a-Break issue. I was terrified by the prospect of what was going to happen next. To say this man was unstable was an understatement. To let him loose on a tractor was crazy. To let his loose on a crossword was just plain stupidity. The two together could result in many, many people either dying or falling over lots.
"I see you've got another job then?" he enquired, pointing to the medical syringe I had draped around my neck on a thong.
"I couldn't be a welder forever Jon." I replied, quivvering like a cold walrus. "I needed to get out and see the world... you understand that don't you?"
He placed his Take-a-Break gently down on the steps of the Bridget Bardot Appreciation Hall and put his dirty hand in his hairy pocket. I shook. Slowly he pulled out what appeared to be a letter from the Sea Lion War Recreation Society. He handed it to me.
"I want you to go here tonight", he suggested suggestively.
"I can't go there. You know I was barred from entering the house of recreational societies after the Boston Bankers fiasco. It's too risky".
He just looked straight through me at the shoes in the window behind me. I could see his eyes moistening at the sight of those clogs, as if to say, 'Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmoleskin.'
"You'll be there. You know you will. Because if you don't, everyone will find out your terrible, horrible, edible secret."
My lips trembled, as did my gobblers. I've managed to keep it secret for twenty years and I'll be damned if anyone was going to blow it for me now. You see, when I was younger I used to have an obsession with boats and ships. Anything floaty. Barges, yatchs, fjords, canoes, you name it, I loved it. One day, when I was about 13, I decided to climb on the local tramp and take a ride to the harbour. The tramp didn't mind. He was glad of the exercise and the bottle of cherry 20-20 he received made him equally elated. When I arrived I immediately ran up to the first floaty thing I saw. It was a houseboat.
I could see flashes of blue and orange lights coming from inside the window accompanied by a loud buzzing noise that went BUZZZZZZZZ. I knew a buzz when I heard it and that was definately a buzz. I shimmied down the pier a bit further and put my arms into the water to feel for the tie rope so that I could hoist myself aboard. I felt what I thought was a Lambseye Knot, so called because when the knot is completed it looks like the iris of a lamb. (You have to gaze ridiculously close). As it turned out, I was horribly mistaken. A lambseye knot it was not.
I yanked my long, spindley arm out of the water and found an extremely rare, endangered Anne Boleyn Octopus attached to my fingers. Panicking, i picked up a nearby whisk and whisked it right onto the deck where it promptly stopped living and died. I screamed with horror. The flashy window opened and a face appeared. It was, as I later discovered, Jonathan who was welding handles to tea cups.
"You've killed it", he shouted. He was crazy and just kept shouting "YOU'VE KILLED IT!".
I crumbled to the ground like a cheap sausage roll, crying. Killing an Anne Boleyn Octopus is punishable by up to 13 years imprisonment, or 50 years dry-stone walling in Bolton. I couldn't imagine losing my freedom at such an early age. The only witness was Jonathan. He came off his boat, waving his welder and telling me to stay exactly where I was.
"What's your name?" he spat.
"Polly... Polly Limply".
"Well Polly. You'd better come with me............
Sleep tight! Coops. xxx
Saturday 25th July 2009 - Deckchair disaster

And I smoked a lot too. Little wonder I was pissed really! Anyway, I had a good time. It's a shame I didn't get the chance to sample any of the food that was on offer as it all got troughed by everyone the minute the lid was off the pan, but still... I liked drinking in the knowledge that I didn't have any reason to get up the next day. Oh yeah, Mum read the bit about her being a milf and once it was explained to her what a milf is, she was horrified!
Peace and love,
Coops. xxx
Friday, 24 July 2009
Friday 24th July 2009 - 4 poofs and a piano

Thursday, 23 July 2009
Thursday 23rd July 2009 - Embarrassed? Not really!

Becomes:This groundbreaking series is back and aiming to dispel more of the myths
surrounding medical conditions deemed to be ‘embarrassing’, demonstrating
there’s no need to feel ashamed because actually, we’re all the same!
This groundbreaking sausage is beans and aiming to dispel more of the myths
sausage medical condition deemed to beans 'embarrasing', demonstrating that
there's no need to feel ashamed beans actually, we're all the sausage!
Toast groundbreaking sausage is beans and aiming to dispel mushroom of toast
mushrooms sausage mushroom condition deemed toast beans 'eggs', demonstrating
toast toast no need toast fried-bread ashamed beans actually, we're all toast
- Blowing raspberries does not help you cool down when hot
- You can eat rosehip
- Someone (remaining nameless) was late for work yesterday
- I'm not as fit as I was in May
- Pushing your buttocks against the wall of a sunbed does not stop you getting smiley lines under your bum.
- Steven Gerrard di hit someone after all, but only once in self defence.
And that's it. I knew everything else! I get paid tomorrow, which I think we can all agree is basically a good thing. That means I can buy some nice things. Like beer and fags. Yummy! Have you ever played beer zoo? When the beer makes it's way down the side of the glass it leaves a trail and then you try and make animals out of froth that's left or the gaps in the froth. Bit like looking at the clouds and making shapes. In the example below, you might be able to spot Mickey Mouses head... just above to the right of the central stem!

So, the next time you'r in a pub having a pint, just have a sneaky peek into your glass. If you find any good beer zoo animals, take a picture of it and send it to me at
I'll post it here and anyone who gets a really good one will win an amazing prize.
Before I go, I will ask one favour of you. Please would you post a link to my blog to your friends on facebook or MSN or whatever. The more readers we can get on the blog, the better it will be, because we can do competitions like this one! For fun! It doesn't take long to just message everyone, or put it on your status, or Tweet it! And I'll love you a little further! God bless you.
Peace and love everyone!
Martin xxx
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Wednesday 22nd July 2009 - My family are all skint
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Tuesday 21st July 2009 - In theory it'll be fine
I had that meeting t

Do you like what I did there. I used a picture of Einstein to relate the idea of cleverness and his pipe because I mentioned pipes. Or peeps! Either way it was pretty geniusy. And that is a word! I just made it up!
I'm not going to go on and on tonight, I'd prefer you to just read the above link about the football. While you're on the website, check out some of the offers they have on at the moment. Both the Days Out Club and the Grub Club are fab offers. The only thing better than Frankie n Bennies is half price Frankie n Bennies!
Please though, read the match review. It's much better than anything you're going to find here!
One love brothers and sisters,
Martino. xxx
Monday, 20 July 2009
Monday 20th July 2009 - Yes Herr Flick
So, in the words of the Mama’s and Papa’s, ‘Monday Monday‘. They also said ‘so good to me’ and that’s a bit of a lie! Bastards. Actually, I love the Mama’s and Papa’s. I’ve got their ‘best of’ album in my car, along with Diana Ross and the Supreme’s, Dusty Springfield and the James Bond themes, much to the annoyance of my fellow passengers. I’m really into

Aaaaanyway, tonight was football night and as usual I was called upon to be the match reporter! I really enjoy it actually. I don't think I will as much in the winter, but it's great to see the lads getting down there on a Monday night and having something to look forward to. It has breathed new life into the station too and it's brought the team together under the same umbrella. We're all losers now, not just some of us! I was already there, waiting for the others. I knew they'd come eventually!!
I think I'm starting to come down with swine flu! I've got a bad throat, feel a bit lethargic and a large dog came and blew my house down last night. It took me ages to collect all those sticks as well. I shall

Anyway, my job is not to slag people off who aren't hear to defend themselves (God I hate them sooooo much) it is to keep you amused with my daily going ons and findings. I'm going to update you on the footie score tomorrow as I don't want to spoil the surprise for you just yet! I'll also link you to the match review.
BE THE FIRST TO FIND OUT THE SCORE BY LISTENING TO WAKE UP WITH COOK TOMORROW MORNING FROM 6. or 107 fm if your in Blackburn, Darwen, Hyndburn or the Ribble Valley. Plug over. Thank you!
And that's about all I gotta tell you for today. I want you to watch this video though, because it just makes me wet. (The chorus is particularly funny!) I wish we could get this show over here because the actors in it are so good at impersonating celebs and the writing's great too. Check it out!
I'll catch up with ya tomorrow! Good night folks! Peace out. M xxx
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Sunday 19th July 2009 - Spare room without any spare room
Anyway, I got up and still made it out of the house on time. Sam Brydges, my faithful newshound, came and picked me up and took me to work for another 4 hours of award-deserving radio! A problem from today's News of the World problem page;
"I've been with my boyfriend now for a few months, and recently he asked me to wear a pair of high heeled shoes and kick him as hard as I could in the testicles"

Where's the problem there? I know plenty of women who would be delighted to be given such an opportunity! The next bit made me laugh more though;
"I was hoping that one day we would have children. Could this practice effect our ability to conceive naturally?"
Erm... yeah!
How annoying is the guy in the Crunchie Nut Clusters advert? The one who says "I'm sorry sir, this one is broken... can you hear that?". Fuck off. I'm sorry, if you know him or admire

I cleared out the spare room tonight. It's the smallest room in the house, including the downstairs toilet and the airing cupboard, so why did it take me the best part of 5 hours to make it look like a spare room!? Then I had to clamber into the loft to 'store' things, amongst the bat piss and bird eating spiders. So now I have insulation splinters all over me. I've been sticking tape to me and ripping it off to try and dislodge the splinters, but it still feels like a thousand dwarf hedgehogs are doing the hokey-cokey up and down my arms.
Anyway, I'm going to bed now. I thinking I'm starting to develope swine flu, so I'd better try and sleep it off. Tataa for now! Be good. M xxx
Saturday 18th July 2009 - Well and Truely Warmed
My mum stl uses old fshnd txt msging n wen she txts me this is all i get. I cnnt
read it 1/2 the time.

BY THE WAY! If you can, please subscribe to the blogs. Loads of you have told me now that you're enjoying reading them and it would be great if I can reflect this in official figures! So sign up, it only takes a couple of seconds, and as far as I've been told, you don't get loads of annoying emails about it! Besides I'm only updating once a day on average! God loves ya! M xxx
Friday, 17 July 2009
friday 17th july 2009 - car blog
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Thursday 16th July 2009 - Silver Spine

Quote of the Day;
"Come here you useless waste of human embryo's!"
-Me to my lesbian Midge. She likes being talked to like that.
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Wednesday 15th July 2009 - Jackson's dead!?

Today was a good day in a sense, because the boss is off now for over a week. I will miss him terribly. Or wonderfully. Yes, the second one! We get along alright, but then so did Eva Braun with Hitler and he still shot her in the head, so whatcha gonna do!?
I was searching through some old stuff the other day on an account I had on a site called My... something. Space? Does anyone still use that? Facebook kinda cacked all over it really didn't it! Anyway, I was writing some short stories and stuff. Here's one of the shortest ones! (That's a blessing, believe me).
Doctor... How is he?
Joseph: So doctor... How is he?
Doctor: Stable.
Joseph: Oh, thank goodness.
Doctor: What?
Joseph: I'm so happy.
Doctor: Why?
Joseph: Because he's stable.
Doctor: Oh, I'm sorry... did you say HOW is he? I thought you said WHERE is he.
Joseph: But you said he was stable.
Doctor: No... I meant he's in a stable.
Joseph: He's in a stable? Why?
Doctor: He's dead and the morgue is full.
Joseph: Oh dear God... This is awful.
Doctor: I know. But we're trying to get it sorted.
Joseph: Well, I don't think you'll be able to bring him back to life will you?
Doctor: Oh I'm sorry... I was talking about the morgue situation.
Joseph: You're the worst doctor ever.
Doctor: Yeah.
Isn't that amazing?! No? Well f*** you then! I'm gonna send it to someone, somewhere. I'm sure Channel 5 will take it. They'll take any old tat!
I just want to clear something up... I don't watch big brother as a rule. It was just on! Grace was here and she demanded I watch it, and eventually I gave in. But know this, I'm very cross about it. Very cross indeed. As soon as it finishes I'm turning it off.
Quote of the day:
"Seeing is believing so you'd better change your specs"
- Shaggy, it wasn't me! Awful song. When he had a greatest hits CD out I assumed it would be a blank disc.
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Tuesday 14th July 2009 - Something Bad Happened

The Queens House
Peace and love. Tell your friends about me!
Coops xxx
Monday, 13 July 2009
Monday 13th July 2009 - Where you keep your plug sockets dudes?
Anyway, once the bell went for home time I was collected by my driver (and, I'm very proud to say, lover) and I stopped by at the radio station to do a few work related things there. We have a new cleaning team at work. The main one, Mrs Doyle (ah go on father) is away on her holidays at the moment, probably apologising to people and making things smell of gummy bears. She's good at that. Actually, I don't think it is gummy bears. It's the cheaper, w

Anyway, her replacement while she's away is a nice young ladywho has nearly got the hang of the hoover, so that's probably a good thing. Her opening question to us in the office was 'Where do you keep your plug sockets dudes?'
Dudes? Do people still use that as a term of endearment? It was, to say the least, odd. She didn't suit the phrase 'dudes'. She didn't really suit the gift of speech to be honest. In the words of Henry Higgins, she committed the cold blooded murder of the English tongue. Bitch.
Off to the football for us in the perfect conditions of rain, wind and anger. My anger. Nothing quite like watching your friends get battered in the rain is there. I'll be honest, I do take a slight amount of joy from watching them get ritually humiliated, but there's only so much one man can take, so my heart was full of hope for the boys tonight. I can't reveal the final score until tomorrow, and I'll upload the link to the match review then too. I get the honour of writing that as they assumed I wouldn't want to play... they assumed right!
So for now, to bed to read some more of my new book. I surprised myself by getting through a good quarter of it last night. I'll attempt the same tonight. I reccommend heartily.
Until then, I'll bid you adieu and see you tomorrow. Appreciate you reading by the way. Tell your friends and make it worthwhile for me to keep updating.
Peace n love.
M xxx

Scott Mills is a bastard
Check it out.
Peace n love,
M xxx
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Sunday 12th July 2009 - Naps and Potatoes
I used to keep a day to day diary and I kept it for over 3 years. I intend to blog retro diary entries so you can see what I was up to in c.2003. I bet you can't wait. I'll leave that carrot dangling while I tell you about my day today, as I intend to do throughout... well, time in general.
An early start for me today as it always is on a Sunday. I present a radio show every Sunday morning which is rather blasphemically titled Martin's Sunday Sermon. It is entirely nothing to do with anything ecclesiastical and is actually just me slagging off pointless people like Kerry Catatonia and Katie Priceless (I know that if you're reading this outside of the UK, this will mean bugger all to you... as will the phrase bugger all. But thanks for reading). I play lots of delightful music too. Except for the ones I'm forced to play like the new one from Take That (the musical equivalent of finding a cockroach in your trouser pocket) or Lady Gaga (what's she for... I don't think I get it!).
The show runs from 8-12noon and after using the words 'bisexual' and 'gimp' in the same link, I climbed into my car and set off home. Now, I must tell you about my car troubles. I only passed my test in March 2008 at the age of 26. I never bothered to learn to drive earlier because I never needed to know how to, I always lived were I worked and was drunk quite a lot. Anyway, passed 2nd time, all was good. I drove for a year without ever having any accidents or problems. After a year, it all went horribly wrong.
I moved house in September 2008 and did all the things you're meant to. TV Licence address, gas, water, phone, bank etc... At least I thought I'd done it all. Turns out I forgot to change my car insurance details. Never to worry though, I was paying by direct debit which automatically renews itself... surely? Well, no. It didn't, so I was cruising around in my saxo (Ben) when I was pulled by the police and done for driving without insurance, which cost me a £200 fine, £170 to get my car out of the pound, 6 points on my driving licence and because I'd been driving for less that 2 years, my licence was revoked. Basically, I was fucked. Then a couple of days later I got a speeding fine for doing 37mph in a 30mph zone. That cost either 3 more points and £60 or £80 and a speed awareness course.
I applied to do the course, but couldn't because I didn't have a driving licence. So instead I had to put 3 more points on the licence that I don't have. Then I had to reapply for my provisional licence (£50) and apply for both my theory and practical tests again. So that's just superb isn't it.
Because of all this, the place where I am at the moment is thus; I can drive as long as someone is with me who has been driving for 5 years or more and I have to wear my 'L' plates. Degrading? Yes. I have a driving lesson on Thursday. A LESSON! I've been driving now for 2 years. Lesson... phuh!
Anyway. It doesn't matter. I'm over it. It just cost me lots of money... come to think of it, I still owe my mother 4 hundred quid. Back to today though. I got home and instantly went to bed. It's very rare that I'll sleep during the day, but I felt knackered today so climbed into the pit and stayed there. For a few hours. When I arose it was time to make dinner. Salmon fillets (which insisted on setting off the smoke alarm repeatedly), roast potatoes and sweetcorn. Buttered. The whole thing, smothered in butter. There's something so satisfying about eating food smothered in butter and watching athletics or something equally as demanding. All the hairy, muscled, moustached athletes. And that's just the women. Then a bit of Top Gear with world's fastest man Usain Bolt. He's so cool. He had two portions of chicken nuggets on the day he broke the world record in the 100 metres. And his shoelace was undone! Brilliant.
Gonna have a read of my new book which Chelsea (one of the best buds) got me for my birthday. It's called The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon. Looks rather interesting. In a way. I don't read a lot anymore, which is criminal I know. I've been wading through the QI book since Christmas. That's how much of a reader I am.
Football tomorrow. The Bee Team play the Grumpy Old Men FC who are currently second in the league. We may be blessed by the presence of Grace (the other Best bud) and her boyfriend Matthew. They hate footie almost as much as I do, but there's something so satisfying about watching friends and colleagues get their arses whoooped every week. Beautiful.
Quote of the Day:
John Inverdale: "You must have got so annoyed watching his rear end so often"
Tony Jarrett: "Well, to be honest, it was hard"
John Inverdale interviewing world 110m hurdles silver medal winner Tony Jarrett about constantly getting beaten by Colin Jackson.
Peace and love,
Twitter username: DrCoops
Recent writings
I've been given the unenviable task of writing a weekly review column for our station 7-a-side football team The Bee Team. Basically, to cut a long story short, they're shit. But it's funny. Follow the link attached to read up on all their shortcomings. Even if you don't like footie (like me) it's worth a look just to mock their resounding hopelessness in the sports field. Or any other field for that matter!!! Cheers.