Well, I did the test and got 49 out of 50 (I'm furious) and passed happily. To celebrate we decided to go for McDonalds breakfast which is better than I remember. Why is everything that is bad for you so delicious... McDonalds, biscuit and raisin Yorkies, Radon... everything. Over breakfast, we decided that the next most sensible thing to do was to go bowling, and so we did. I won at that, which I was rather proud of, mostly due to the fact that I've been walking round all day like I shat myself! A horrible trainer at the gym called Will decided he was going to give me a taste of hell by forcing me to do lots of silly circuit training type things. Dick. He really hurt me. So trying to bowl was but a challenge.
The next task was slightly less involving, as we decided to Bingo ourselves. I went back to my old workplace, Gala Bingo in Blackburn. It was like stepping into a time warp. Everything was pretty much the same as it was 9 years ago! And, much like then, I didn't win any

By the way, the title of the blog relates to us sat in traffic witha light drizzle falling. Grace had her wipers on, but at a ridiculous pace which we both failed to nitice for about ten minutes. Maybe I shouldn;t have passed my theory after all! Theoretically!
Peace out kids,
Mart. xxx
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