I'm watching a programme about bondage. There's a woman dressed as a horse with her boobs out trotting around a field and eating polo's out of her master's hand. It's good. I'm enjoying it. There's a woman on now who wore a strap-on to a club and a woman came up to her and shoved her tongue in her mouth. What a moron. Why? WHY? Why can't people just have a sandwich and watch Taggart? What's up with the world?
Anyway, each to their own. I know a lot of you are starting to follow the blogs now, and that makes me delighted. I've been asked if I can give some mentions, so here we go. First of all, I came home tonight (after my driving lesson... I did good) to a candle lit three course dinner. It wasn't just romantic burglars. I live with t'other half and whatever it is I'd done to deserve it, I enjoyed it immensley and it made me feel very lucky. I'm not here to go into my personal love life, but needless to say I am a very lucky boy and am very much in LURVE! Sickening isn't it!
The other mention I've gotta give is to Simon. He's an old friend, in every sense of the term, who is even unluckier than me! I may have had some bad luck with the police and
cars and shit, but Simon has had a new spine fitted, tumours removed, car crashes... the whole shabang! Check out the picture. He's, like, famous. Was in a glossy and everything. Anyway, he's a real good lad who just can't stay out of fucking hospital. He must really like the food or something, but whatever it is, rest assured that if we end up running round London next year for 26.2 miles, I'd be bloody honoured to have him by my side.

In other news, I've got a sneaky meeting on Tuesday afternoon and there's a possibility it may all lead to new day jobs! And that would only be a good thing. It's a shame no-one can find me a job in the stuff that I want to do, but who knows... one day someone might see the potential one day. I'd love to be a TV presenter. Or an actor. Or a musician, an artist, a radio presenter, a dancer, a singer, a writer, a novellist, a stand up comedian... oh bloody hell, I do not know! I want it all baby! I know I could do it, but you've gotta somehow convince every fucker else! I'm making a new video for my friends who are in a glorious boyband called Frixion. Johnny, David and Neil. They have marvellous voices that gel beautifully.
On that note, it makes me kind of mad when people don't really class those kind of groups as real artists. They're using their voices as instruments like others use guitars or pianos. It's not easy finding those harmonies and keeping your own line going and working so tightly together. Just because there ae no instruments in sight doesn't mean it's not credible. Sometimes, if it isn't to people's taste it's immediately discounted. People should learn to broaden their horizons and listen beyond the music to all recording artists. Except Katie Perry. She's just a twat.
And also check this out. Our breakfast show presenter has spent a lot of time working on the photoshopping of these images and it's a pretty funny cause. Get Beckham to Blackburn! He's looking for 1,000 members, so pass it on!
I'm going to finish the book tonight. It suddenly became very interesting last night. I suggest you find a copy and read the arse off it! You'll enjoy it. And if you don't, I don't care. I'm at a housewarming tomorrow and I'm staying overnight, so there's every chance I won't be able to update, but I'll be back before you know it. Saying that, I might get on before I go! Much wine to be had.
Peace and love y'all.
Coops. xxx
Quote of the Day;
"Come here you useless waste of human embryo's!"
-Me to my lesbian Midge. She likes being talked to like that.
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