So, in the words of the Mama’s and Papa’s, ‘Monday Monday‘. They also said ‘so good to me’ and that’s a bit of a lie! Bastards. Actually, I love the Mama’s and Papa’s. I’ve got their ‘best of’ album in my car, along with Diana Ross and the Supreme’s, Dusty Springfield and the James Bond themes, much to the annoyance of my fellow passengers. I’m really into

Aaaaanyway, tonight was football night and as usual I was called upon to be the match reporter! I really enjoy it actually. I don't think I will as much in the winter, but it's great to see the lads getting down there on a Monday night and having something to look forward to. It has breathed new life into the station too and it's brought the team together under the same umbrella. We're all losers now, not just some of us! I was already there, waiting for the others. I knew they'd come eventually!!
I think I'm starting to come down with swine flu! I've got a bad throat, feel a bit lethargic and a large dog came and blew my house down last night. It took me ages to collect all those sticks as well. I shall

Anyway, my job is not to slag people off who aren't hear to defend themselves (God I hate them sooooo much) it is to keep you amused with my daily going ons and findings. I'm going to update you on the footie score tomorrow as I don't want to spoil the surprise for you just yet! I'll also link you to the match review.
BE THE FIRST TO FIND OUT THE SCORE BY LISTENING TO WAKE UP WITH COOK TOMORROW MORNING FROM 6. or 107 fm if your in Blackburn, Darwen, Hyndburn or the Ribble Valley. Plug over. Thank you!
And that's about all I gotta tell you for today. I want you to watch this video though, because it just makes me wet. (The chorus is particularly funny!) I wish we could get this show over here because the actors in it are so good at impersonating celebs and the writing's great too. Check it out!
I'll catch up with ya tomorrow! Good night folks! Peace out. M xxx
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