Anyway, once the bell went for home time I was collected by my driver (and, I'm very proud to say, lover) and I stopped by at the radio station to do a few work related things there. We have a new cleaning team at work. The main one, Mrs Doyle (ah go on father) is away on her holidays at the moment, probably apologising to people and making things smell of gummy bears. She's good at that. Actually, I don't think it is gummy bears. It's the cheaper, w

Anyway, her replacement while she's away is a nice young ladywho has nearly got the hang of the hoover, so that's probably a good thing. Her opening question to us in the office was 'Where do you keep your plug sockets dudes?'
Dudes? Do people still use that as a term of endearment? It was, to say the least, odd. She didn't suit the phrase 'dudes'. She didn't really suit the gift of speech to be honest. In the words of Henry Higgins, she committed the cold blooded murder of the English tongue. Bitch.
Off to the football for us in the perfect conditions of rain, wind and anger. My anger. Nothing quite like watching your friends get battered in the rain is there. I'll be honest, I do take a slight amount of joy from watching them get ritually humiliated, but there's only so much one man can take, so my heart was full of hope for the boys tonight. I can't reveal the final score until tomorrow, and I'll upload the link to the match review then too. I get the honour of writing that as they assumed I wouldn't want to play... they assumed right!
So for now, to bed to read some more of my new book. I surprised myself by getting through a good quarter of it last night. I'll attempt the same tonight. I reccommend heartily.
Until then, I'll bid you adieu and see you tomorrow. Appreciate you reading by the way. Tell your friends and make it worthwhile for me to keep updating.
Peace n love.
M xxx

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