So. A needle pulling thread! Another face grindingly poor day at the soul sapping factory. I had to phone someone today to ask if their address was right. Although I knew it was. And so did they. And so did the wanker who told me to ring them, so in my eyes it seemed like a completely pointless endeavour, but none-the-less I had to do it.
The football last night. I knew there was something I had to tell you! Well, previously (if you've read the match reviews) we had been squashed by the opposition by unimaginable margins. 14-0 was the teams worse scoring, but last night that all changed as they got away with being beaten 2-0. And in the grand scheme of things, that's pretty brilliant! You can read the full match review by yours truely, here:
And the video is just below too. It's the first time they've played in the rain and it amused me somewhat.
A visit to the gym was in order after work, which is something I've neglected to do
much of since we ran the Manchester 10k run in May. We did it for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust which is a great and worthy cause. They're so close to finding a cure for this wicked illness, so every last push is well worth it. Sometimes people think that once adequate treatment has been found for something we should steamroll onto the next thing when the first job isn't really finished. My idea, radical as it may seem, is finish the job you started, then move onto the next one. By this I mean, once we've raised enough to find a cure for CF, we can then start to help other charities in finding treatment and cures for those illnesses! I like to help people though. I think everyone should like to help people. It's good.

Anyway, the gym hurt me. 2 mile run, 200 situps (some inverted, apparently) some weights and a bathe in pure chlorine and that was me done. Off to Daddy's. He's excited because he got a new computer off a man with a stripy jumper and a mask for £110, but he doesn't know how to work it. So we went round and set it up, but quickly found out that we didn't know how to work it either.
We were trying to download the anti-virus software but there were so many viruses already in the way it became impossible! At one point, a warning message came up saying
"Something bad has happened!"
This amused me no end. It was like another one my friend at work got which said "PANIC!". Who writes this shit!? (I've just realised shit and this are an anagram of one-another... cool. Which to use in scrabble!?) I'd like that job. I'd write, "Don't look now, but there is a virus crawling up your wires. To rectify this problem, chew through the cable closest to your hard-drive immediately". People would. They're thick, people.
I'm making some great headway into the book. It's taught me some very interesting things, like the Monty Hall Problem;
Which is why you should always switch. Or you end up with goats. It also taught me that if you give each letter of the alphabet a value, A=1, B=2, C=3 and so on, some very influencial names add up to prime numbers. Jesus Christ (151) and Scooby Doo (113) seemed to be the most important ones! It's all QI really. In a way.
Anyway, I'm off to bury my noggin again. It's getting late and I have to go and have the lust for life sucked out of me again tomorrow. I'll leave you with this;
The Queens House
Peace and love. Tell your friends about me!
Coops xxx
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