Good old Saturdays. Usually my only day off, but this week I was working the breakfast show, so on I went and broadcast I did, in a very unprofessional manner. Actually, it wasn't me at all, it ws Gina Millson, our head of news. She's very childish you know. She was laughing at a story about Deirdre from Corrie being trapped near a bushfire. Anyway, I had a marvellous bacon butty with tomato ketchup. So all was well! I like bacon butties. There's something so rich and deserving about them that fill you with a thousand different feelings. The smell, the texture, the taste... all of it. Knowing that somewhere an animal was born and raised, fed and kept for the sole purpose of sacrificing their life to give a few people that moment of pure decadence. The soft, salty meat encased in fresh white bread... Good God it's exciting me just writing about it. Clever piggies. I suppose swine flu is their revenge for bacon butties!
It was mother's birthday party today. She was stressing to the point that her partner Bob had put crocodile clips onto her earrings and he was running the ceiling fans off of her. My brother was already there, spinning some toooons on the decks, and Michelle (his partner) was chilling out in the garden. She's recently discovered she is pregnant and is thrilled to pieces about it. We all our. However, certain things come with pregnancy that aren't as welcome. For example, you're expected to give up drinking and smoking and drugs and a whole bunch of other things. Like being upwardly mobile for example. Some women crave pregnancy and Michelle was one of those. I just wonder when she'll have her first, somewhat inevitable, 'Get this thing out of me' moment. Good luck to them both though!
My father turned up to the party already pissed, which is typical for him really, and my grandparents were also sufficiently bollocksed too. Family parties are always a bit dodgy like that because alcahol removes any sense of inhabitions. I try and stay on the more responsible side of drunk because I know no-one else will and, should anything happen, the chances are you'll need someone who's thinking relativly clearly to act. Last night, however, I just got pissed! Ha! I drank the following;

- A bottle of vodka
- 4 pints of real ale
- 3 glasses of sangria
- half a bottle of white wine
And I smoked a lot too. Little wonder I was pissed really! Anyway, I had a good time. It's a shame I didn't get the chance to sample any of the food that was on offer as it all got troughed by everyone the minute the lid was off the pan, but still... I liked drinking in the knowledge that I didn't have any reason to get up the next day. Oh yeah, Mum read the bit about her being a milf and once it was explained to her what a milf is, she was horrified!
Peace and love,
Coops. xxx
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