Welcome into my world. I ummed and aaahed with the whole blogging idea because I naturally assumed no-one would read it. I mean, who would want to read the opinions of a half-witted twenty-something with all the charisma of a chimney breast? Then I realised how much coverage Big Brother gets each summer so thought, ok... I'll do it!
And I smoked a lot too. Little wonder I was pissed really! Anyway, I had a good time. It's a shame I didn't get the chance to sample any of the food that was on offer as it all got troughed by everyone the minute the lid was off the pan, but still... I liked drinking in the knowledge that I didn't have any reason to get up the next day. Oh yeah, Mum read the bit about her being a milf and once it was explained to her what a milf is, she was horrified!
Peace and love,
Coops. xxx
Becomes:This groundbreaking series is back and aiming to dispel more of the myths
surrounding medical conditions deemed to be ‘embarrassing’, demonstrating
there’s no need to feel ashamed because actually, we’re all the same!
This groundbreaking sausage is beans and aiming to dispel more of the myths
sausage medical condition deemed to beans 'embarrasing', demonstrating that
there's no need to feel ashamed beans actually, we're all the sausage!
Toast groundbreaking sausage is beans and aiming to dispel mushroom of toast
mushrooms sausage mushroom condition deemed toast beans 'eggs', demonstrating
toast toast no need toast fried-bread ashamed beans actually, we're all toast
And that's it. I knew everything else! I get paid tomorrow, which I think we can all agree is basically a good thing. That means I can buy some nice things. Like beer and fags. Yummy! Have you ever played beer zoo? When the beer makes it's way down the side of the glass it leaves a trail and then you try and make animals out of froth that's left or the gaps in the froth. Bit like looking at the clouds and making shapes. In the example below, you might be able to spot Mickey Mouses head... just above to the right of the central stem!
So, the next time you'r in a pub having a pint, just have a sneaky peek into your glass. If you find any good beer zoo animals, take a picture of it and send it to me at
I'll post it here and anyone who gets a really good one will win an amazing prize.
Before I go, I will ask one favour of you. Please would you post a link to my blog to your friends on facebook or MSN or whatever. The more readers we can get on the blog, the better it will be, because we can do competitions like this one! For fun! It doesn't take long to just message everyone, or put it on your status, or Tweet it! And I'll love you a little further! God bless you.
Peace and love everyone!
Martin xxx