So, I'm going to let you into a little tiny secret... I had a job interview today. My bosses at the Fireplace place don't know, so don't tell them. And in case you're wondering if I'm worried they'll read it on here, you're wrong. I don't think anyone will read it on here! Nobody reads anything anywhere, and even if they do they instantly forget it!
So, the interview went ok, I need to wait and see if I get a call back for it but I reckon I should. I didn't punch her in the face or shit in her coffee or anything so I should be ok! So, I thought I would celebrate by having a few glasses of wine. (I celebrate everything with a few glasses of wine!!! 'Oh look, I've got 38 pence in change... let's have a glass of wine!') but at the last moment I found out that I had to go to work. At the pub. Brilliant. Exactly how I want to spend my Friday nights, watching others get drunk! Anyway, I suppose it's all pocket money, so I went in. 8pm - 1am! Nice. I got home safely and celebrated with a few glasses of wine and the Swimming World Championships on the telly. Good oh!
Have you ever
watched the quiz things on Channel 5 overnight? They have a word and you have to guess what comes after it or before it or whatever. Last night it was 'HOUSE'. And you could choose either a word that comes before it, like 'Public' or one that comes after it, like 'maid'. Why? Whats' the fucking point? You have some bronzed idiot stood there telling you they'll only charge you £50 per millisecond for your call and you could, I stress could, win a prize. But you probably won't. Because the ones they have there are completely nothing to do with anything you've ever heard of.

It's like on Catchphrase, when they ran out of Catchphrases and started having things like 'Going to the shops' or 'Fuck me til I fart'. Rubbish! So I suggested 'SHIThouse' and 'WHOREhouse', neither of which were there in the end, rather disappointingly! Never mind. Your suggestions are welcome as always!
Why not tell your friends about my blog. You don't have to know me to read up on me! It's actually more fun if you don't know me, as the people who know me will undoubtedly tell you! The idea is to subscribe to the blog, then more people will begin to subscribe too! Before you know it I'll be hugely famous and you can say, 'I knew him when he was a worthless pile of rotting dog shit'. And I won't mind at all!
Lot's of work to do this weekend. 4 jobs in 3 days. Radio tomorrow afternoon, then playing piano, then radio twice on Sunday. What a weekend!!
Until then, peace out sistas and bruvas.
M xxxx
Well, I read it, so I'm going to tell your baws. Hey, Martin's baws.... I forget.
ReplyDeleteSo, anyway... x